ISN (International Social Networking Services - Interactive Apps and Websites)

Contact Us

Phone numbers

France+33 3 39 31 00 42
Belgium+32 2 319 12 77
Germany+49 6 99 89 49 220
Switzerland+41 2 25 19 61 77
The world+33 3 39 31 00 42
No extra charges, Monday to Friday 6:30 am - 9:00 am, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm (GMT-5 - America/Chicago)

By mailing address :

ISN Services Main Office
83 rue nationale
39500 Tavaux, FRANCE

Is it possible to change my username?

No, this is impossible.
The proposed solution is to delete your current account and to create a new one with the desired username.

I have not received the registration confirmation email

Are you certain that your email address is valid? If not, please check it and correct it. If it is valid, did you check that our email was not sent to your [Spam]or [Junk] folder?

How do I delete my profile?

If you want to delete your profile, do the following steps:
  1. Using the menu on the left, go to [My Profile]
  2. Then in the submenu, [Edit my profile]
  3. Click [My Settings]
  4. Click on [Account & Security]
  5. Finally, click on [Disable] -> disable or delete

Office locations

Office in Europe (France)

Office in the Middle East (Lebanon)

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