ISN (International Social Networking Services - Interactive Apps and Websites)
Configure cPanel Cron Jobs - backup time hour minutes on Centos 6 WHMFinally, there is an option to add the upcp and cpbackup cron times into WHM to change them for the default entry. You can enable this in WHM > Manage Plugins by selecting the cronconfig option and checking " Install and keep updated" then saving that area. After installing cronconfig, a link will appear under WHM > Plugins area called "Configure cPanel Cron Times" Home >> Server Configuration >> Configure cPanel Cron Jobs You will find those options: Command: upcp Command: upcpupcp updates cPanel & WHM. We recommend that you run this script once per day. The script, by default, is set to run at a random time between 9pm and 6am local time. You may set this script to run at any time you wish. We recommend that you set it to run during off-peak hours. Command: backupbackup runs backups on your server. By default, this script runs at 2:00 AM where the server is located, because this is an off-peak time for most servers. We recommend that you set it to run during off-peak hours, early enough to allow your server to finish backups before peak traffic resumes. If you have backups disabled, the script will immediately exit after it runs. Command: cpbackupcpbackup runs backups on your server. By default, this script runs at 1:00 AM where the server is located, because this is an off-peak time for most servers. We recommend that you set it to run during off-peak hours, early enough to allow your server to finish backups before peak traffic resumes. If you have backups disabled, the script will immediately exit after it runs |